The Chana Orloff Ateliers-museum offers you an expert appraisal service for works by Chana Orloff.
Eric Justman and Ariane Tamir, experts in Chana Orloff's work and members of the Union française des experts, are the only ones authorized to provide certificates of authenticity. They are the only ones with access to the archives and original plaster casts.
As a buyer, before making any purchase, you must request a certificate of authenticity sent with the work you wish to acquire.
No appraisal is made on the basis of a photo, but through a meticulous examination of the work. This must be done at the Chana Orloff Ateliers-museum in Paris.
If you own a work of art that you would like to have authenticated, please contact our experts. We'll give you a quote (between €300 and €500, depending on the object's estimated value) and, once accepted, you'll be asked to sign a deposit form.
If the work presented proves to be a forgery or counterfeit, it will not be returned and a procedure will be initiated to withdraw it from the market definitively.
It is thanks to our vigilance and with the help of collectors and art market players that this scourge of counterfeiting can be contained.